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Index                                    1985     Volume   18                    Issue   5Extra Page

Nogales Fernández F
Facultad de Medicina. Uyniversidad de Granada

Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee of the XII National Congress of Pathology 10

Joint Committee
SEAP Councillors 11

Nogales Fernández F
Presidente del XII Congreso. Por el Comité Organziador.

Seminars and Course
Histological slides Seminary (Index) 14
XVIII Meeting of the Lymphomas Club. Monographic theme: Extranodal lymphoid pathology 15-17
Pediatric Pathology Club 18-22
Spanish Neuropathology Club 23-27
Gynecological Pathology Club 28-30
Differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract polypoid lesions 31-33
Diagnostic problems in pulmonary pathology 34-37
Differential diagnosis of melanocytic lesions 38-39
Urological lesions 40-44

Wednesday, May 8th
Sessions on Wednesday, may 8th 45
Presidential welcome. 25 years od the Spanish Society of Pathology 46-49
Llombart A
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Valencia. Presidente de la SEAP
XXV Anniversary of the SEAP 50-54
Zamorano Sanabra L
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Main Report
Clinica autopsy in Spain. I. General issues 55-58
Cardesa A
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
II. Training significance of the clinical autopsy 59-61
Bombí JA
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
III. Autopsy in the hospital quality control 62-63
Bernat Landoni R
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona
IV. Protocols in clinical autopsy 64-65
Cañadas Sauras E
Hospital Clínico y Provincial de Barcelona

Thursday, May 9th
Sessions on Thursday, may 9th 66-67
Symposium I. New aspects of immunopathological techniques applied to diagnostic pathology. A practical approach to frequent diagnostic problems 68-75
Morales A
Miami, EEUU
Extracellular matrix in normal, fibrotic, and cirrhotic liver 76-79
Martínez Hernández A
Filadelfia, EEUU
The impact of experimental pathology on the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of carcinoma of the colon 80-81
Costa J
Lausana, Suiza
In search of noncytotoxic treatment for cancer 82-84
Barry Pierce G
Denver, EEUU
Symposium I. Multifactorial regulation of endometrium growth 85-90
Special Conference: The future of pathology 91-92
Corron RE
Nottingham, Inglaterra

Symposium II (First part)
Morphometry and Image analisys. Introduction 93-96
Moragas A
Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona
Morphometry and Image analisys. Morphometric techniques 97-101
Rivera-Pomar JM
Hospital de Cruces, Barcaldo. Bilbao
Morphometry and Image analisys. Textural analysis techniques 102-105
Moragas A
Hospital Vall d'Hebrón. Barcelona
Morphometry and Image analisys. Data analysis 106-109
Moragas A, Rivera-Pomar JM
Hospital Vall d'Hebrón. Barcelona. Hospital de Cruces, Bilbao

Symposium II (Second part)
Computers in Pathology. Introduction 110-111
Larrauri FJ, Ruiz Villaespesa A
Ciudad Sanitaria "La Paz". Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Management of Pathological files by microcomputers 111-113
Sampedro Nuño A, Cordero Alvarez R, Rodrigo Fonseca MP
Hospital Valle del Nalón. Asturias
Computers in Pathology. Mecanization of a Cytology Laboratory through a central computer 113-114
Jiménez Ayala M, Saiz Pardo F, Lecona M, López de la Riva M, Rodríguez Costa J, Bullón A, López Fuensalida
Hospital Provincial de Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Automated management of a Pathology Department through a central computer 114-116
Ruiz Villaespesa A, Larrauri Martínez J, Sepúlveda Ibáñez D
Hospital La Paz. Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Computer application to teaching and research 116-118
Larrauri J, Ruiz Villaespesa A
Hospital La Paz. Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Pathology reports with word processor 119
Martínez Cabruja R, Fernández Segoviano P, Ulloa García J, Murillo Santana N, Camarmo Hernan E, López Díaz A, Sayalero Igual I, Alonso Castrillo A
Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja
Computers in Pathology. Introduction 120-121
Larrauri FJ, Ruiz Villaespesa A
Ciudad Sanitaria "La Paz". Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Management of Pathological files by microcomputers 121-122
Sampedro Nuño A, Cordero Alvarez R, Rodrigo Fonseca MP
Hospital Valle del Nalón. Asturias
Computers in Pathology. Mecanization of a Cytology Laboratory through a central computer 122-123
Jiménez Ayala M, Saiz Pardo F, Lecona M, López de la Riva M, Rodríguez Costa J, Bullón A, López Fuensalida
Hospital Provincial de Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Automated management of a Pathology Department through a central computer 124-125
Ruiz Villaespesa A, Larrauri Martínez J, Sepúlveda Ibáñez D
Hospital La Paz. Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Computer application to teaching and research 125-127
Larrauri J, Ruiz Villaespesa A
Hospital La Paz. Madrid
Computers in Pathology. Pathology reports with word processor 128
Martínez Cabruja R, Fernández Segoviano P, Ulloa García J, Murillo Santana N, Camarmo Hernan E, López Díaz A, Sayalero Igual I, Alonso Castrillo A
Hospital Central de la Cruz Roja

Special Conference
Perspectives of Pathology in Latin-America 129-130
de Carvalho ARL

Short Course
Short Course on the Pathology of the Bone Marrow. Introduction 131-132
Forteza Vila J
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña
Short Course on the Pathology of the Bone Marrow. Introduction 133
Forteza Vila J
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña
Short Course on the Pathology of the Bone Marrow. The histopathological grouping of chronic myeloproliferative disorders 134-135
Georgii A
Hannover, Alemania
Short Course on the Pathology of the Bone Marrow. Techniques 136-138
de Solas IM
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña
Short Course on the Pathology of the Bone Marrow. Techniques 139-141
de Solas IM
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña

Special Conference
Duct damage in chronic liver allograft rejection 142
Fennell Jr RH
Denver, EEUU

Friday, May 10th
Sessions on Frifay, may 10th 143

Symposium III
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Gastrointestinal Pathology 144-148
Sanz Esponera J
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. New entities in Gynecological pathology 149-162
Prat J
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Advances in metabolic bone pathology 163-164
Palabras Clave: Serrano Figueras S, Mariñoso Barba ML, Aubía Marimón J, Guañabens Gay, Tusquets Trias de Bes I
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Recent advances in the surgical pathology of Thyroid Tumours 165
Sobrinho Simôes M
Oporto, Portugal
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Pituitary adenomas: Clinical-immunohistochemical correlation 166-169
Sarasa Corral JL
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Lymph Node 170-171
Forteza Vila J
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Lymph Node 172-174
Forteza Vila J
Hospital Juan Canalejo. La Coruña
Advances in Diagnostic Pathology. Histology and epidemiology of cancer of the penis 175-176
de Carvalho ARL

Free Papers Session
Monographic Issue (2nd part). XII National Conrgess of the Spanish Society of Pathology. Proferred paper sesions 177-596
Uropathology 180-205
Gynecologic Pathology 206-233
Lymphoid Tissue Pathology 234-262
Neuropathology 263-285
Experimental Pathology I 286-312
Dermatological Pathology 313-335
Surgical pathology 336-366
Official Session 336-366
Digestive Pathology II 367-398
Digestive Pathology I 399-422
Computing 450-471
Transplantation Pathology and Miscelanous 472-483
Respiratory Pathology 484-502
Experimental Pathology 503-518
XII-6 (279) Influence of vascular lesions associated with tendinous cicatrisation: experimental study.
Simon Aylon, A.; Sanz Gregorio, M.P.; Perez Garcia, A.J.M.; Muniesa, J.A.; Moros Garcia, M.; Delgado, B.; Morandelra, J.R. y Alcalde, J.
Circulatory Pathology 519-532
Posters Session 533-575
Veterinary Pathology 576-594
Video Session 595-596
Index                                    1985     Volume   18                    Issue   5Extra Page
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